EVE Audio SC207: good nearfield listening
Current customs want you to spend less time in front of the HiFi system in the living room and more hours sitting at your desk than in the past. It is not said that in this case we must give up the quality of music reproduction: using good nearfield monitors (IE. close listening), we can continue to get excited with quality reproduction. This type of bookshelf comes directly from the pro sector and with the EVE Audio SC207 you can get extremely convincing results at a reasonable price. By Paolo Perilli “In my work as an editor of music reproduction equipment, I have always had a preference for low budget solutions that would allow to obtain satisfactory results based on the much sought after quality / price ratio. For my personal curiosity and for work reasons, for several years my attention has been captured by devices that do not belong to the HiFi world but to that of professional audio. This sector is dominated by mechanisms quite different from the Home one and my experience leads me to say that often and willingly the quality / price ratio of many equipment is superior and more generally really excellent as in…